


Note: the current pages are demonstration-only.

The tutorial of Eucosmy will be a puzzle game, so as to avoid any intermediary such as English.


Semiotic Arbitrariness

No linguistic proposition is more significant than “the links of signifiants-signifiés are radically arbitrary” (de Saussure), from which we infer the nothingness of signifiants: for example, it doesn’t matter at all how we name 0 – “zero”, “null”, “líng” or anything else. Thus, instead of an Esperanto-like cult of existing stocks of signifiants, we should make the best use of such a freedom to deliberate on each sign (namely de-sign), so as to reduce semiotic arbitrariness as thorough as possible.

Pareto Reduction

Pareto reduction is a sort of Pareto improvement: to reduce the entropy of the system with no side effect. For example, if abolishing the third-person singular present conjugation (dodoes), English will lose nothing but win a consistency. Worth mentioning is Zamenhof’s demonstration of non-Pareto reduction: the antonymous prefix mal- and the feminine suffix -ino. Both not only impose a symmetry-breaking (Adam-Eve) relation on word pairs, generating entropy, but also deprive them of conciseness and expressiveness.


Besides the reason that both Indo-European and Sino-Indosinian languages, counting more than 2/3 of the world’s population, are monosyllabic on the essential level, monosyllabism is the only eligible phonotactic feature for Eucosmesis, because it facilitates wordcoinage and in turn a Pareto reduction by dissolution: for example, “man” => =to (human being) or =pito (male human being), “woman” => mito= (female human being), the same for “god” and “goddess”… By the way, all the results are sex-impartial and gender-inclusive. In Eucosmy, we can easily talk of sexuality with no mention to sex: “translesbian” => <milmir (gyno-erotic feminine).

Cognitive Cognates

The main operation of Eucomesis is to generate cognates according to their cognitive relationship. For example, once the consonant pair <n> & <t> is designated to indicate the up-down image schema, a lot of natural relatives can be named after it. For example: “sky” (nea=) & “earth” (tea=).